Monday, December 31, 2007

2007: A quick review

I've been seeing the year in reviews out there in the blogosphere where you post the first line of your first blog entry for that month. I thought I'd only have a few lines because I haven't had this blog very long, when much to my surprise, I've had this since March!! Amazing. So, without further ado:

March: I've decided to start a knitting blog.

April: So, I got my yarn in today for Kate, the cat with britches, my first knitted toy for my little girl.

May: Still no Kate? Sadly, tis true... I've just now finished the stuffing part.

June: So, I've been busy. Knitting. Taking care of baby. Working. Attempting to get some sleep. Getting involved again in intellectual discussions... you know, re-engaging.

August: I'm ashamed to see that its been since the end of June since I posted. (I'm seeing a theme)

September: FO: Kate. Overall, I loved this pattern. (wow, it took me quite some time to get this toy finished!!)

November: I am not such a great blogger, many apologies... I blame it all on Ravelry. (since I didn't get my invite until early October, though, we know it's more than just Ravelry.)

December: All that blogging for NaBloPoMo has just worn me out, but I DID it! ;) Just goes to show you I have plenty to talk about and plenty of time to sit down to do it, so long as I have someone holding me to it.

Clearly, my theme for my blog involves some thought as to why exactly I have it if I'm always feeling guilty about not posting. As I found out in November, blogging every day is simply an exercise in discipline, just like exercising (not that I'm doing that either!), and gift knitting (which was completed successfully and on time!).

I hereby resolve to make blogging more of a priority in this next year. Part of that involves me being in Project 365; the other part being that my daughter is more independent, which leaves me more time during the day to get everything done that I need to get done. There. I've written it out and published it for the worldwide web to read. So now it must be done. But wait, one more thing. What does making the blog more of a priority mean? Quantitatively, making the blog a priority means (to me anyway), that you will have at least as many blog posts as there are working days in any given month (around 22). Alright. There it is :)

Hope you all have a safe and happy new year. We are planning on a quiet dinner party with a few friends, and then spending a nice relaxing birthday working on my monkey socks. See you soon!

Monday, December 17, 2007

FO: Fetching

DSC_0011, originally uploaded by hannah8ball.

As promised, photos of a finished fetching. I used WoolEase again with this one as it is a gift to my office mate (who loved them BTW).

Mods: I did this without a thumb, mods as follows:

Replace the instructions from Work 18 rounds in 4x1 Rib to Work 4 rounds in 4x1 Rib with the following:

Work 16 rounds in 4 x 1 Rib. For the next 8 rounds you will be working back and forth to create the thumb opening. Use your circular needle/DPN as if they were straight needles. Be sure to knit the knits and purl the purls.

At the end of round 8, join work and continue working in the round.

When I make these for myself, I intend to make them a bit longer and may take out a repeat so that it fits closer on my hand/arm. This was my first time doing something other than the long-tail cast on and I must say I was impressed with the cable cast-on's stretchiness. I'm definitely adding that to my repertoire.

One more day of work, and then I'm off until day after Christmas, but there are some pretty large projects in my way between now and the end of the day tomorrow. Let's hope Little Bit takes good naps again tomorrow so I have as much time as I need.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

I'm still here

All that blogging for NaBloPoMo has just worn me out, but I DID it! ;) Just goes to show you I have plenty to talk about and plenty of time to sit down to do it, so long as I have someone holding me to it. I'm thinking a reasonable amount of blogging would be every week day. Stay tuned for that.

Work has really become rather busy. I have two open positions to hire for, end of year stuff to wrap up, and christmas vacation in the middle of all of that. I'm slowly digging out of my inbox, but phew, it's hard work! My bloglines reading has seriously suffered, I haven't recovered yet from my weekend off... keep writing though! I'll read it eventually!

In knitting news, my Shedir gift is 75% done. No, you're not reading that wrong, it wasn't on my original list. Washcloths get boring. Cables are fun. 'Nuff said. I would have been done sooner except I made a decrease error that I had to frog back to... YUCK!

Washcloths are loping along. I'm thinking I'm going to have to do some serious, head down knitting next week and just finish them all up so they aren't hanging over my head.

Mitts: I finished the second fetching, pics coming soon. I'll be casting on for my 3rd pair tonight. Hope to have all office gifts done by the end of this weekend.

Thanks for all the nice comments about Rannoch! They are a fabulous knit, the cables are lovely, and the garter rib is a nice touch. Be sure to visit Corinne and congratulate her on her first pattern.

Break is done... I'm back to work. Have a great day!