Saturday, February 9, 2008


40/366, originally uploaded by hannah8ball.

There is something beautiful about the way the winter light washes out the color of things. It's been unseasonably warm here, so we've been taking advantage of it and playing outside every chance we can get!

The time of secrecy is over... I got the job! I can't tell you how excited I am. I get to work in a new industry, in a green industry, for a company that really seems dedicated to its employees. I'm a bit nervous as I've been working at my current job for nearly 4 years, so it's tough to leave the familiar. It is time though, and I can't be more excited about this opportunity! Now I just have to get through these next two weeks :)

Here's a bit of Defeat the Winter Doldrums minutia:

Some of us get the doldrums and others don't. For the ones who get doldrums what helps you get rid of them? For the ones who don't get the doldrums, what helps you keep them away?

I'm not really a winter doldrums sufferer. TX has really short winters, and they are rather mild. And this year, we haven't seen any winter weather at all. There's still a little bit of time for that, but it's looking like we're going to have an early summer. How to stay out of the doldrums? I plan my spring garden. Enjoy the birds who visit our bird-feeder. I sit snuggled up with my husband, a blanket and a hot cup of tea. Not a bad way to pass a cold winter's night.


Laura B said...

Congrats on the new job! Sounds exciting!

Jofrog said...

Yeah for a new job! I hope it's just wonderful for you.