In the good news arena, I seem to have magically inherited a free flickr pro account. It occurred at about the same time I transferred my pictures from Yahoo photos... apparently, when you have an SBC/Cingular/AT&T/Yahoo account, you get free flickr... (except that we haven't gotten our internet from SBC since we moved October 2004). I'm excited though as that means I get unlimited uploads and storage... no more blogging without pictures! :)
Currently, on the needles:

Monkey socks - I started this very popular pattern a few weeks ago, modified it to use my 4 DPNs, but somewhere along the way I messed up the pattern and decided to just frog the whole thing and start over. It will be better in its second life, I know. and I'll be using the 5 needles as called for... less to keep up with.
I plan to cast on for a new pair of picky pants for Little Bit, a shopping bag, and the second leg of my Leg Warmers. Must get back to knitting while LB sleeps :)